Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Familiar Thing...

Today I settled down into my comfortable spot at my usual coffee shop, often used for study purposes. Since I have been on a school break for seven weeks, this spot has grown a bit cold, I expected it to feel funny, odd and a bit out of place. Much to my surprise though it felt oddly right. Like my usual spot had been sad I hadn't been to visit in seven weeks, mean sure a coffee here and a tea there, but not to be settled for hours pouring over books gaining considerable amounts of information. Something in my heart felt settled. I was back. I was home. It started my thinking about the familiar things and why they bring us comfort. Is it because we have already worked through the awkward hard new beginning phase? or because this familiar thing feels as though we can control it, and when we can control things/circumstances we feel at ease? In part I feel that familiar things bring structure and stability. These things might vary from one person to the next but we all have our familiar things that we can count on being there for us.

But what I have gathered is that we mustn't only have familiar, or we never grow. But we also, mustn't only have newness or we are never grounded. It must be a balanced blend of both to help us continually move forward we welcome the new challenges of our ever changing world, and to stay who we are we can willingly engage in the familiar.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Can you feel it?

It's looking as if this blog is turning more into a monthly thing instead of a daily thing, or even a weekly thing. I must inform you it is not for lack of lessons, that is for sure. Just a lack of time, or motivation. With that said I will share my lessons from the past couple of days. Boy have they been some hard ones.

Firstly I have to start with something I feel we are all familiar with, FRIENDS. Either we have lots of them and are closer with some than other, but none the less have them, maybe we don't have any at all, or maybe we have the allusion of friends. Sometimes friendship comes in all different shapes and sizes, but I have to say I have learned that I have one very good friend whom I know would and will have my back through anything. I guess you can't fully know exactly what a friendship will look like until you have an experience    where the actions speak louder than the words. Truly I have seen actions speak louder than words in the last couple of days. With that said appreciate the friends you have who love and respect you, always looking for friends who will put into action what they speak.

Secondly, have you ever felt like your heart was breaking in two? Well I have. I wish I could say that I have learned a lesson from that, sadly I can't say I haven't yet. It still hurts a little bit to breath and because of that I think some how oxygen is not getting to my head, not allowing me to actually be able to put into perspective what is happening to me. When you honestly love someone so much, so deep, so much so that it is to the very core of you it is hard to think of living without them. The weird thing is, I have been living without for a very long time, not knowing what was laying at the bottom of your heart waiting to be awakened. I guess I have learned something, don't awaken it unless you are willing to live without because there is a reason it had been silent for so long.

I guess with those things I leave you. I don't really know who YOU is, considering that I am not sure anyone else reads this but me. As the page turns, I wait for the next life lesson.