Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Little Bit Abrasive.

It's true people. Life IS abrasive. You know that joke that seemed to be everyone's favorite when we were younger, it went something like this, (smack on the head) followed by some obnoxious person saying, "life's tough, get a helmet." Why did we think that was so funny? Just for the record, I never thought that was funny as a kid. I always thought it was quite an abrasive way to make a point. On the contrary I think I didn't entirely understand what people were trying to warn me of, mean by the time I was seven I had already experienced enough of life's tough side that to me life didn't look anything BUT tough, it always just elicited a response from me of "DUH (eye-roll) of course life is tough." This isn't my point though, my point finds itself in life lesson #17. But first I ask this very important question,  how do you currently choose to respond to the abrasive tendencies of our everyday lives?

#17 : Always respond to abrasive situations with, grace, compassion and righteous fierceness. 

I sincerely believe that the way in which we choose to respond in any given situation and ESPECIALLY the difficult ones is what either sets us up for success of failure emotionally, mentally and physically. 

Let me break down specifically what I am getting at when I say respond in grace, compassion and righteous fierceness to to life's abrasive and at times devastating experiences. 

Respond in grace: simple elegance or refinement of movement, courteous good will, the period after an important deadline where there is no consequence. So basically it's that moment when where glass shatters literally EVERYwhere and our first instinct is to start picking up all the broken pieces immediately. Yeah you know the moment. What I am saying is don't do that. Refinement of movement, the waiting period. Grace. Far to often we respond to a situation without giving grace. Grace for the people involved, grace for poor choices, grace for thoughtless actions, AND most of the time we are so incredibly graceless for ourselves. So this is my charge to you, practice grace, its a mentality, nothing happens by accident, only ever by purpose. 

Respond in compassion: sympathetic pity and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others. This one is tricky. There I said. I struggle with this. But if there is one thing I have learning in responding to situations with anything less than compassion is it has only left me feeling judgmental and bitter. Not only does it not solve any problems, one of the greatest skills we can master in this world is the ability to put ourselves in the mindset and situations of others. Practicing compassion allows us to respond to situations with a clearer view, to see an experience through a broader lens. But what must go hand in hand is you responding equally with self-compassion. When we don't allow ourselves the grace to experience self-compassion in our lives we end up constantly trying to live up to unrealistic expectations of how we must live our lives everyday. 

Respond with righteous fierceness: morally right or justifiable, having or displaying an intense ferocious aggressiveness. Where we go wrong is that we respond out of anger, this just lands us in trouble, worsens the situation and more often than not makes us feel empty handed and powerless. Let us respond with ferocious aggressiveness out of right or justifiable beliefs and convictions. Instead of feeling personally wronged and lashing out. Fight for what is right in confidence. Do not allow yourself to be taken advantage of in life's situations because of a false humility, or false grace to where we are laying down and saying, "sure world have what you will with me." Fierceness only ever comes accross as aggressive if it is not coupled with righteousness. 

Everywhere we turn there is brokenness in this world. How will you choose to respond? Lesson #17.

I hope this was not to abrasive. 

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