Saturday, April 30, 2011


Rule #365...don't wait that (365) many days to make a post on your blog.

That is why I am posting before it is midnight, because my last blog people...yes was May 1, 2010. The best part is I remember starting that post last year at around this time on April 30th.

The funny thing is, as I was sitting on my bed thinking how I need to change the excessively large white board calendar that hangs in my hallway to remind me of all the things that I don't want to do (usually my homework, Don't worry all those whose birthday was in the last month...I DID want to attend your party).  What struck me was TIME. How much of our lives are run by time. Time to get up. Time to eat breakfast. Time to go to work or class. OH the worst...Time to pay your bills. time. time. time. It seems to my that time usually controls our lives. If we live by time, with everything scheduled we are OCD, and if we don't then we are freespirited. Why are we so concerned with time anyways? As I type, I am laughing because I can hear the clock clicking in the background. I am completely lost without a watch. I am obsessed with time. I often let time rule my life. Everything is scheduled, well everything WAS scheduled until I quit my job. If my life wasn't run like a military base, basically nothing was going to get done.

I thought I would experience this release from not having everything scheduled down to the minute. All I feel is lost. Nothing like a clue that I need to maybe, perhaps, loosen up. Realizing that I can't be in control of everything even if I have my life scheduled down till moment I die. HA. So simple. I know I will get there, because time is just time. Yes our world functions around it, but it doesn't have to rule me. There are no rules. I will finish college when I finish college. I will go to law school when I go to law school. I will get married when I get married, I will have children when I have children. And I will enjoy the time I have now, today. And tomorrow I will enjoy tomorrow for whatever tomorrow will bring.

Rule #2 Don't let time dictate your life!

One more life lesson learned,

Matthew 6:34

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